Take your time to travel and discover the benefits of slow tourism, kinder to the environment and offering the pleasure of an experience filled with contemplation.
With its annual emissions of around 11Teq CO² and an average per stay of 55kgeqCO²*, Les Mazures has been shown to have a first-class approach to reducing a guesthouse's carbon footprint.
* based on a stay for two people for two nights with evening meals, transport excluded. Calculation made by the consultancy FactorX as part of a carbon footprint evaluation carried out with the support of the association Baie de Somme Zéro Carbone and its partners.
Rediscover the art of travelling © Les Mazures-ADRT80-Fleonardi-JL
The scope of the data collection for the evaluation was chosen to be as wide as possible: from the management activity linked to stays through to the origin of purchases not forgetting guest transportation. The annual emissions of Les Mazures from the operation of the guesthouse (three guestrooms with a total capacity of six people) should be compared to the 12 TeqCO² of annual emissions per inhabitant of France.
The average emissions of a stay at Les Mazures (two people for two nights with evening meals) are half those of a stay in a typical hotel or guesthouse with a green accreditation.
These results validate the choices made during the creation of our venture and underline once again the efforts and environmental approach which led to the award of the Green Key accreditation in 2010.
On the occasion of the 2011 "Semaines Zéro Carbone", Les Mazures undertook to offset the emissions linked to its activities by consecrating 1% of its turnover to environmental preservation, through supporting associations corresponding to its goals and investing in programmes of renewable energy production.
Obviously it's clear that eco-mobility is a key element of sustainable tourism. Our participation in the "slow" movement in its widest sense reinforces our willingness to encourage our guests to join our approach of eco-citizenship, by inviting them to rediscover the pleasure of travel.
Are you on the move? Well now you can travel! Become a "slow traveller": from its sources at the Bay, roam the countryside at the pace of a tortoise and do something for nature. Valleys, hills, roads and paths are yours... take time to take your time, seize the moment beyond the scenery ... we invite you to discover nature, culture and cuisine, not in a prescriptive approach but in one which is sensitive and experience-filled.